About JP Lyninger

When JP’s father dropped him off in Old Louisville for his first day of sixth grade at Noe Middle School, he said, “Alright, take a good look around; you’re going to be here a while.” He couldn’t have been more right: JP is a proud JCPS graduate of duPont Manual High School, as well as the University of Louisville. After graduation from UofL, JP moved into an apartment on South Fourth Street, two doors down from where he lives today.
JP is a long-time activist and organizer, fighting for a better Louisville at protests against police violence, anti-war rallies, direct actions, and standing in solidarity with workers on picket lines. In 2022, he served as campaign manager for Shelby Park resident Robert LeVertis Bell’s campaign for State Representative. Later, JP managed Access For All KY’s “No On 2” campaign, helping defeat Amendment 2’s permanent ban on abortion access in Kentucky. He also served three terms as co-chair of Louisville DSA.
JP is running for Metro Council because he knows a better world is possible. Louisville needs big changes to reverse economic and racial inequality. Louisville needs leaders ready to fight for the working class against budgets that prioritize tax deals for wealthy real estate developers over public transportation and basic infrastructure. JP is ready to fight for you, for District 6, and for the working class across our city.